At Peritum Agri Institute your business can stay abreast and predict, design and skill both your workforce and client base of the future through the application of survey technology.
Peritum has extensive experience in the design, customization, implementation and interpretation of surveys on staff engagement (morale), customer satisfaction and organizational effectiveness. We believe that any survey should provide reliable data about specific elements that could be actioned towards real solutions following the survey.
Expand your understanding, solve problems online and offline – PERITUM keeps you in touch with people!
Full commitment and support for the proposed change management process is obtained from all key stakeholders including management, employees and organised labour.
The client is actively involved in the design of the survey content and approach as to ensure that the survey addresses client – specific needs and are aligned to the clients’ organizational culture and way of work
The data gathered through the survey/audit process is both quantitative (i.e. finds out what people think) as well as qualitative (i.e. why do they think that way) to provide greater understanding of the survey/audit findings.
Our survey and audit reports are results – orientated and focuses on delivering management information that can be turned into strategies. We perform a detailed analysis of the data and report our findings through a combination of written narratives, tables, and graphs to help you identify important issues and trends, which are reflected by your employees. Our reports provide an accurate, comprehensive snapshot of data and highlights the company’s perceived weaknesses and strengths.
We stay with you through-out the process to facilitate effective decision-making.
The process provides an objective basis for measuring change drivers in key strategic areas and facilitates comparisons between various departments, divisions, locations and operational sectors. In addition, this process establishes benchmarks that can be used to measure future progress.
Survey technology to suit the target groups’ habits, online, paper-based, telephonic, focus groups, smartphone based