The following courses were presented on behalf of the Howard Buffet Foundation and MinAgri at Nasho Irrigation Project, Rwanda, during November 2016 and December 2016.
Learning modules
Part 1: Community and Cooperatives
Module 1: Basic farm management
Learning Unit 1: The Food Production Value Chain
Understand the farming system
Understand the food value chain and how it impacts on the farming system
Understand farm production
Apply the key production principles during each stage of farm production
Know the challenges that crop farmers are faced with and how to overcome these
Learning Unit 2: Basic Farm Finance
Understand the concepts of income and expense
Know how to draft a basic cash flow plan
Understand the concepts of Profit and Loss
Apply methods to become more profitable and be financially healthy
Learning Unit 3: Conduct Effective Meetings
Define the concept meeting
Use terminology necessary to make contributions during meetings
Distinguish between different types of meetings
Describe standard meeting protocols and procedures for conducting a meeting and explain the importance of these.
Explain the importance of ensuring that decisions are made only within the authority of the people attending the meeting
Learning Unit 4: Preparing the Land
Demonstrate an understanding of soil properties and can identify different soil types
Know the different water holding and drainage capacity of soil types
The impact of soil types and crop production
Apply basic methods of soil preparation
Know how to correctly use soil preparation tools
Learning Unit 5: Planting the Crop
Know the machinery and implements for establishing crops
Know how to correctly handle plant material
Understand the impact of environmental factors on the planting process
Demonstrate an ability to planting:
Learning Unit 6: Growing Crops
Know the phases of growth of the plant
Know the plant’s need for water
Know the plant’s need for heat
Learning Unit 7: Fertilize Soil and attend to basic Plant Nutrition
Soil fertilizer and plant nutrition
Methods and techniques for the application of fertilizer
Learning Unit 8: Control Diseases in Crops
Identify typical diseases that is found in Southern Africa for various crops eg.
Soya beans
Dry beans
Learning Unit 9: Harvesting Agricultural Crops
Understand the use of harvesting equipment
Know when the plant is ready to be harvested:
Dry beans
Understand the crop harvest process
Know how to handle waste
Part 2: Capacitate the leadership team (Members of Cooperatives)
Learning Unit 1: Team Motivation and Team Work
Why motivating staff is important
Definition of motivation
How personal needs will impact on an employee’s motivation to perform
How factors in the working environment could impact on an employee’s motivation to perform
How factors relating to the job has an impact on an employee’s motivation to perform.
Team development
Team performance
Learning Unit 2: Developing a Farming Business Plan
Developing a Business Plan
Legislation impacting on your business
Learning Unit 3: Understanding Business Financial Reports
Record keeping
Balance sheet
Income statement
Cash flow statement
Audit reports
Interpreting financial statements
Learning Unit 4: Costing of Production Services
Optimal use of implements.
Implement specification – how to determine the right implement for the task at hand.
How to determine running costs of implements?
How to determine the price of service?
Learning Unit 5: Basic Agri Produce Marketing and Sales