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Developing On-Farm Nutrient Variability Standards

Completion requirements

As a farmer or farm manager, it is your task to ensure that any feeds that you mix yourself or acquire from a feed manufacturing company comply with the legislation. This is to ensure the health of animals, but more importantly the health of the public that consumes the products from the livestock. Also, international sanitary regulations are becoming very strict, especially regarding the use of feed additives. It would be irresponsible to use a feed ingredient that is prohibited by law and in doing so jeopardises the good standing of South African livestock products internationally.

Remember, the legislation does not only serve a prohibitory purpose; laws also provide Good Practice principles which are useful guidelines to apply to your own farming operation.

The Farm Feed Act of 1947 (Act no 36) and Notice 498 of 2006 Annexure A “South African Policy on Animal Feeds” from the AFMA website (

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Farm Feed Act

Study these documents carefully and have a classroom discussion of those aspects that will have practical implications for mixing feed on your own production unit. For example, if the feed you are mixing is for your own use only, the feed labelling regulations may not be relevant to your situation. However, the use of certain feed additives is prohibited and you will not be able to use these additives in your rations since your livestock or livestock product will be sold for public consumption.

Note: The implications of the Farm Feed Act will be completely different between a farm that mixes its own feed for its own use and a feed manufacturing company that manufactures farm feeds for sale.