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Records To Be Kept

Completion requirements

All feeds that are regularly stored should appear as an item on a stock control sheet. Before any new consignment of feed arrives, the existing levels of stock need to be controlled and an area prepared for the new consignment. Do not load fresh food on top of the old food.

All consignments of feed delivered to the farm need to be checked, as it is off-loaded on the farm. Check that the label corresponds to that on the delivery note. Check the condition of the bags (are they torn, punctured or badly worn?) Count / weigh the feed as it is off-loaded and jot the actual number /weight received down next to the amount on the delivery note. Make a note on the delivery note of any problems encountered. Once the entire load has been checked, the delivery note is signed and a copy is kept for the farm records.

Whenever feed is taken out to be used in a mix or to be fed, the amount of stock that is removed from the store needs to be jotted on the stock control sheet.

The stock levels need to be controlled on a regular basis and maintained at a specific level. This is done as follows:

  • Take the last actual count/weight of bags/bales/feed.
  • Add all deliveries/new mixes made.
  • Subtract all stock used.
  • Jot down the figure calculated - this is the Expected Stock Level.
  • Now do an actual count/weigh and compare it to the expected stock level.
  • The Stock Control sheet indicates the minimum acceptable level of every item. Once stock levels have been checked, follow workplace procedure to order stock that is below the minimum required level.
  • Whenever stock levels are checked, a check on quality can also be done. Check e.g. for signs of mould, rancidity, wet, dung contamination, separation of components.
  • Report any signs of quality problems on the stock control sheet.