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Workplace Emergencies

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The types and extent of emergencies that can occur in the workplace are explained.

Accidents can happen at any time but when they occur in the workplace there are a lot of extra considerations to make, especially if you are the one getting hurt. People who work in industrial environments around heavy equipment are not the only ones at risk for injury or accidents.

Slips and Falls

These types of accidents are said to account for a third of all injuries in the workplace. Falls, in general, account for more than one million injuries each year in the United States. Slips and falls at work due to wet or damaged floors, debris on the floor, and other obstructions are the leading cause of broken bones, head injuries, and injured backs. Slips and falls have many causes, but usually have one thing in common – they could have been prevented. Take the time to notify your employer if you identify anything potential hazards in your work area. Chances are, someone will be glad you did.

Manual Work Activities

If you work in an environment where heavy lifting, pulling, carrying, pushing, or moving items or equipment is necessary, you are more susceptible to back injuries, heart problems, muscle injuries, and even broken limbs. And, if you feel your job is too heavy, too difficult, too tiring or puts you at risk of injury, speak to your employer. It is the employer's responsibility to assess manual work activities and control any risks. This may mean redesigning the task or providing you with safe work procedures and appropriate instruction, training and supervision.

Working Around Vehicles and Moving Equipment

When working around vehicles and moving equipment, you may be injured by getting hit by the vehicles themselves or by items falling from the vehicles. Those operating motorized vehicles also can be severely injured if the vehicle turns over or crashes due to unbalanced loads. Driving mishaps can lead to neck injuries, head injuries, broken limbs, and traumatic injuries to other areas of the body.

Electric Shock

The fourth most common injury in the workplace relates to electricity hazards causing electrocution or electric shock. Getting zapped, shocked or burned are common causes of injuries that can often be serious or even fatal. Those who deal specifically with electricity on a daily basis are at increased risk for such injuries. There are laws in place to provide safe working areas for electricians. If you have any doubts about a procedure ask your supervisor. And, be sure to report any unsafe conditions, equipment, or work practices as soon as possible.

Workplace Hazards

Depending on the nature of your work, you may be susceptible to injuries due to on-the-job hazards like chemicals and fires. Burns, explosions, and serious injuries related to workplace hazards can be fatal. While working in potentially hazardous situations can be unavoidable, it is imperative that potential job hazards are identified and guidelines are provided to perform the job in the best and safest way possible.