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Problem Solving

Completion requirements

The following problem-solving model can be used to solve problems:

  • Assess the problem
  • Find solutions
  • Plan and implement solutions
  • Evaluate the result

Click here to view a video on a problem-solving model.

Phase 1:  Assessment

Phase 3:  Plan and Implement Solution

Become aware of the problem

Gather information about the problem

Find the real problem/root cause

Formulate the problem and alternative statements

Look for the obvious

Plan for implantation

Find potential barriers

Find potential consequences

Implement solution

Monitor to determine effectiveness and what should be changed or corrected

Phase 2:  Find Solutions

Phase 4:  Evaluate Outcome

Find alternative solutions

Gather information about solutions

Choose the most effective solution

Has the problem been solved?

Has the goal been reached?

You learn from experience – both from mistakes and successes