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Preparing Steps

Completion requirements
  1. An interview panel should be set up and confirmed before the interview date. The panel should consist of a minimum of two people. Both HR and Management could be represented in the panel.
  2. Where a union/organised labour is involved, their role will be that of observers and to monitor the process. This would be determined by the company's collective agreement with organised labour.
  3. Seating arrangements should be conducive.  Chairs should be arranged to allow space between all but should not be too sparsely positioned to create a ‘I’ and ‘Them’ atmosphere.
  4. Ground rules, standards and norms should be established and agreed upon by HR and Management prior to the interview.
  5. Take into account any disabilities, e.g. hearing or visual disability and conduct the interview accordingly. Criteria should not be changed when interviewing people with disabilities.
  6. Agree on how the process will be recorded and where records will be filed.