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Effective Selection Process

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The selection of a new team member is a major investment for your organisation and the candidate. Developing and maintaining a selection system that yields solid returns – productive employees who enjoy their responsibility and seek opportunities to continuously improve their jobs – is critical to the success of every organisation. The most effective selection systems share three goals:

  • Accuracy
  • Equity
  • Buy-in

Accuracy is the ability of your selection process to validly predict applicants’ job performance. Consider the following questions. What good is a:

  • Calculator that computes but produces incorrect answers?
  • Tour guide who is unfamiliar with the area?
  • Selection process that does not predict applicants’ performance on the job?

Equity is the assurance that your selection system gives every qualified applicant a fair and equal chance to be selected. An equitable selection system:

  • Is based on valid requirements that are consistently applied.
  • Uses the same job-related selection standards for all applicants.
  • Screens out applicants for job-related reasons only, not because of their diversity.

Buy-in is the extent to which the people involved in the selection process perceive its worth. Interviewers and candidates ‘buy into’ a selection system if:

  • Their time during the selection process is well spent.
  • Everyone benefits by going through the selection process, regardless of the selection decision made.
  • The image of the organisation and the dignity of all applicants are preserved.