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The Provision Of Training And Education And Information (SO1/AC2)

Completion requirements

The intent of providing workers with appropriate information, training and instruction is to ensure that they can competently perform their duties and tasks without risk to their health and safety or the health and safety of any other person and to ensure that they have a thorough understanding of the potential major hazards.


Providing employees with health and safety information and training reduces the chance of them suffering injuries or ill health. It helps them acquire the skills, knowledge and attitude to make them competent in the safety and health aspects of their work and instils a positive health and safety culture.


Training means showing a person the correct method of doing a task and making sure that he or she can carry out the task correctly and safely. It can be formal, mandatory training such as the Hazchem Safety Training Course and informal on-the-job training such as showing a person the correct method of doing a job, pointing out dangers and ensuring that the person understands and can do the job safely. All workers must be trained in safe work practices. This may include training in the safe use of the equipment and safe work practices.

Work practices and the effectiveness of any training provided should be monitored. Where unsafe work practices are detected and safety, health and welfare measures are not being followed by any worker, the work or activity should be stopped until corrective action has been taken and safety controls are fully complied with. New or young crew members may also require extra supervision.

Training and Education

Every employer who undertakes work which is liable to expose an employee to an HCA must before any employee is exposed or may be exposed, after consultation with the health and safety committee established for that section of the workplace, provide that employee with suitable and sufficient information, instruction and training, as well as thereafter, inform, instruct and train that employee at intervals as may be recommended by that health and safety committee.

An employer must give written instructions of the procedures to be followed in the event of spillages, leakages or any similar emergency situations to the drivers of vehicles transporting an HCA.

As contemplated in section 37(2) of the Act, the employer and mandatary must agree in writing to the arrangements and procedures between them to ensure compliance by the mandatary with information, instruction and training requirements specified in Regulation 3.