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Conducting Skills Audits

Completion requirements

In order to conduct a Skills Audit, also referred to as a Skills Needs Analysis, a competency profile can be developed for each job within a company. The competency profile will list the knowledge, skills and values and other behaviours employees require to be successful in their jobs.

Conducting a skills needs analysis involve using the list of competencies of a given job, and comparing these to the list of competencies of the employee filling that particular position. Any variances should be recorded and noted as the skills gaps (if there is a shortfall in the competencies of the staff member).

The analysis of these variances in competency levels gives rise to a list of possible training interventions for possible training beneficiaries. This will be the input for the WSP. The skills need analysis can result in lengthy lists of skills gaps in the company. The most required skills and training needs should be prioritised. The remaining needs should be recorded and can be addressed during the next WSP period.

There are various methods of conducting Skills Needs Analysis: from the empirical methods to the informal processes like the above-mentioned method, The SDF should research different methods to suit the company they represent.

Click here to view an explanation on how to conduct a skills audit.