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Annual Training Report/Implementation Report

Completion requirements

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What is an Annual Training Report?

After the successful implementation of the WSP, a company will be eligible for a mandatory Grant. This grant is equal to 50% of the total levies contributed. In order to qualify for this grant, the company will need to submit a report which indicates what actual training and development has taken place at the workplace and also five reasons for deviations, if any, from the WSP submitted.

The report for the previous financial year and the plan for the current financial year need to be submitted together in orders to qualify for the mandatory grant, unless the company is participating for the first time.

This report includes the actual training that was conducted for a particular financial year. The Implementation Report must indicate whether the targets indicated in the WSP were met or not.

The SDF must submit a report to reflect if the planned interventions as submitted in the WSP took place. The costs must also be reported.

In order to compile this report the SDF has to:

  • Obtain a copy of the ATR of the relevant SETA,
  • Study this template,
  • Identify what should be reported by the organisation,
  • Develop an information management system,
  • Compile and submit the report, and
  • Keep record of all training and development activities.


Every SETA has an ATR template. This is available on the Internet on the different websites.

The SDF should ensure that he/she study the applicable ATR template to identify the information that he/she will need to complete it. Also, do not wait until it is the due date for submission to the SETA. Collect the information as you go along with your training schedule.

The ATR usually requires the following:

  • General information of your organisation (name, structure, etc.).
  • The SIC (Standard Industry Code) of the employer.
  • The details of the SDF.
  • The SDL (Skills Development Levy) number.
  • Banking details of the organisation.
  • Details of the training committee.
  • The process used to develop the ATR (who was involved, etc.).

After the ATR was compiled, feedback must be given to the Training Committee and the management of the company or organisation. The WSP and the ATR must be compared with one another to determine which of the planned interventions took place and what was not addressed.

This should also be indicated on the personal development plan of each employee. By doing that, you will have a clear picture if the training needs that were identified by the skills audit, were addressed and what is still outstanding.