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Practical Review Process Guideline

Completion requirements

Open the discussion and do the following:

1. State the purpose and importance of this review:

  • Explain that the purpose of the meeting is for the two of you to compare the individual’s actual performance in objectives with the agreed-upon performance standard.
  • Emphasise that this discussion is a summary of the performance based on the information you have both been collecting over the past six months/year period.
  • The staff member has been monitoring his/her performance throughout the cycle. Explain that the person’s input is critical and that he/she has a lot to contribute to the discussion.
  • Enhance self-esteem and encourage involvement.

2. Clarify as you continue in the process.

3. Compare actual versus agreed performance results:

  • For each objective, discuss and agree how actual performance compares to the level agreed to.
  • Recognise the person’s achievements by referring to positive examples you have been collecting throughout the cycle.
  • If performance falls short of the objective, focus on the facts, not the person, to maintain self-esteem and reduce defensiveness.

4. Review successes and problems:

  • When the staff member has met objectives effectively, ask her to illustrate the success by providing an example of performance. This technique enhances self-esteem and encourages continued or improved performance.
  • Listen and respond with empathy when the person discusses successful performance.
  • When the person has not met objectives, be sure to keep the discussion positive to maintain self-esteem.
  • This is a future-orientated discussion so you want to uncover causes of the problem and discuss what can be done about it. It won’t help just to rush details.
  • Listen to the person’s rationale and respond with empathy to show your concern and understanding.
  • Whether discussing successes or problems, sharing your thoughts and feelings about the person’s level of performance helps the individual understand its effect on departmental or organisational goals.

5. Discuss and agree.

6. Determine performance levels:

  • You and the staff member should agree on ratings for objectives, which will be supported by the information you covered in the clarifying section.
  • When rating, focus on performance, not the person. This approach maintains self-esteem, reduces defensiveness, and keeps the lines of communication open.
  • If the person improved during the cycle but did not meet the objectives, reinforce the improved performance in that related objective. This approach enhances the person’s self-esteem and encourages continued effective performance.
  • The two parties might disagree on ratings. If this happens, answer any questions and discuss concerns. Be prepared to explain your reasoning and support your ratings with specific behavioural or result data.
  • Listen empathically to the person’s concerns, but avoid a debate. Instead, focus on opportunities for continuous improvement.
  • Listening and responding with empathy also is important if the individual earns a high rating, it reinforces morale and motivation.

7. Develop action plans and follow-up date(s), if necessary:

  • At this point the two of you must agree on action plans to enhance successes or resolve problems.
  • Discuss what the person should continue doing and what should be done differently.
  • Seeking the person’s ideas ensures commitment and building on and using those ideas as much a possible enhances self-esteem.
  • The action plan on which the two of you agree might require obstacles or coaching the individual. Your role is to provide support when needed or to remove organisational barriers. It is not up to you to resolve the situation that is the staff member’s responsibility.
  • When you discuss action plans, set follow-up dates to check for process and encourage continued communication.

8. Close the discussion.

9. Summarise discussions:

  • Because this discussion covers a variety of topics, it’s important that you are both clear on the actions to which you have agreed.
  • Ask the staff member to summarise or use your notes to recap each action and follow-up date.

10. Express confidence:

  • Ending the discussion with a sincere expression of confidence in the person’s abilities reinforces the fact that this discussion is positive and future orientated.