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Direction Of Communication

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Communication can flow vertically or laterally (horizontally).

The vertical dimension can be further divided into downward and upward directions.

Downward (vertical) - Communication that flows from one level of a group or organisation to a lower level is downward communication. A manager providing job instruction, assign goals or inform employees through letters of new policies is using downward communication.

Upward (vertical) - Upward communication flows to a higher level in the group or organisation. Feedback from employees to managers to inform them of progress or presentation of new ideas is examples of upward communication. Upward communication keeps managers aware of how employees feel about their jobs, co-workers and the organisation in general.

Lateral (Horizontal) - Lateral communication refers to communication that takes place among members of a group on the same level e.g. workers or managers on the same level. Lateral communication is often necessary to save time and facilitate coordination.