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Principle 7: Stabilising

Completion requirements

When workers lose their tempers, argue, break down, or snap under stress, they become less productive. They may also generate bad feelings among co-workers and lower the morale of the workplace. This will affect productivity because it causes workers to think about other things than work. Hence, no matter how much stress you are under or how many personal problems you may have, you should try to maintain emotional stability at work. Follow these guidelines:

Do Not Snap Under Deadline Pressures

Do not waste time worrying about getting a project done on time. Simply work and get done as much as you can. You may be surprised how much you can accomplish when you remain calm and collected under pressure.

Manage Stress

If you are stressed out by either work or home, find ways to relieve the stress. Identify its source, then control it. Change the situation. If you have more than you can do, seek help. A co-worker may be able to assist you. Change your attitude toward it. Respond to it in a manner that enables you to cope or distance yourself from the stressful situation. Exercise is another good way to relieve stress.

Stay Calm During Emergencies

Avoid panicking in crisis situations. Panic results in much wasted energy and effort, reducing productivity. Act coolly and calmly to deal with the emergency and know there is only so much you can do.

Keep Personal Problems At Home

Concentrate on your work duties rather than thinking or talking about emotional or personal problems. Keep busy. Do not daydream or fret while working. If you must talk something over with a co-worker, invite him or her to dinner or lunch and discuss it on your own time.

Control Antisocial Behaviour

Do not argue with or harm co-workers. Do not lose your temper and make scenes. Do not drink or use drugs while working.

See a Professional If You Have Serious Mental Problems

Sometimes it may be necessary for you to see a professional psychologist if you cannot cope with personal or work problems.

Click here to view a video on the Stabilising Principle, then click on the link below to complete the Stabilising Principle questionnaire below.