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Feedback Model

Completion requirements

Paul J Jerome, in his book “Coaching through effective feedback”, shares a model that can be effectively applied to give positive, negative, and neutral feedback in a constructive manner.

Step 1:  Describe the Current Behaviour

Describe the current behaviour that you want to reinforce or redirect to improve the situation or the performance of the individual.  Be very specific.  Focus on behaviour and not personality, attitude or characteristics.

Step 2:  Identify the Situation

Identify the specific situation where you observed this behaviour.  Be factual, give date and time if required or describe the event.  

Step 3:  Describe the Impact of the Consequences of the Behaviour

Describe the impact or consequences of the behaviour to the person.  Be precise and objective.

Include the consequences for the business/job/organisation as well as the consequences for the individual.

Step 4:  Identify Alternative Behaviour/Corrective Action

Discuss alternative behaviour that the person can consider for future purposes. Also consider what corrective action should be taken to rectify or improve the current situation/consequences.

Click here to view a video on How to Give Effective Feedback.