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Completion requirements

Communication plays a critical role in all of our lives. Every time we open our mouths to speak, listen to someone or put pen to paper we are in the process of communicating. Communication can be described as the process of transmitting and receiving ideas, information, and messages.

The rapid transmission of information over long distances, and ready access to information, have become conspicuous (very noticeable) and important features of human society, especially in the past 150 years, and in the past few decades, increasingly so. As individuals, we need to ensure that our communication with one another is as clear as possible. In this Module you will cover topics like speaking in public, presenting your ideas in a debate, learning to become more effective listeners and acquiring the skills to become effective writers.

All the skills you will learn here will help you in terms of your studies, your everyday interaction and assist you in your future occupations. Although you are studying plant production you are also individuals with a wide and diverse range of interests. The content that you are exposed to in this Module will reflect this.

There are many examples and activities relating to your field of study but there are also many that require you to think outside the box and use your imagination. We have also attempted to highlight some issues of concern to all South Africans such as the AIDS pandemic and gender and race issues. Thus, you will experience a wide range of content in this Module.