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Values Activity

Completion requirements

Click here to download the values information sheet.

Circle the number on the left of each personal value you believe to be one of your core values. List 16.

Revisit the list again.

Now reduce the 16 to 12.

Revisit the list again.

Now identify your absolute core value by choosing only 5 values.

This short list of the five most important values probably represents the aspects of life you hold most dear. That does not mean you will always behave in ways that are consistent with your ideal values. But if you consistently behave in ways that conflict with what you say you value, it may be useful to re-examine your values statement. Do you espouse a value because it is politically correct in your organization or because you were brought up to believe in it?

If your working conditions/challenges conflict with what you really value, you will find that your job causes emotional stress in your life.