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Independent Standards

Completion requirements

A standard is a measuring stick, independent of the will of the other side, for choosing among conflicting options.

Examples of standards:

  • Consumer price index
  • Ability to pay
  • Equal treatment laws
  • Industry standards
  • Market value
  • Precedent
  • Tradition
  • Reciprocity
  • Costs
  • Efficiency

Search for possible independent standards. Be open to reason. Never yield to pressure, only to reason.

Questions to arrive at standards:

  • “How did you arrive at that?”
  • “What’s the theory behind this?”
  • “What makes that fair?”
  • “How are others handling the same problem?”

Making Offers
  • Present offers rather than state positions
  • Present offers in terms of gain
  • Include specific items that appeal to their interests
  • State benefits to them

Negotiation Phases


  • Be soft on the people; hear them out
  • Set objective for the meeting
  • Inquire as to the other’s authority


  • Focus on Interests behind positions
  • Invent Options for mutual gain
  • Use independent standards


  • Present Offers, not positions
  • Caucus
  • Sum up areas of agreement and disagreement


  • Make sure the agreement is better than your BATNA.
  • Make agreement clear and specific, in writing.
  • Reaffirm relationship.

Countering Dirty Tricks
  • Recognize the tactic
  • Bring it up
  • Negotiate
  • Walkout – don’t be a victim

Common Dirty Tricks
  • Lock-ins
  • Good guy / bad guy
  • No authority
  • Threats
  • Add-ons
  • Phoney acts