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Agricultural Data

Completion requirements

Definition: The process of gathering information, such as profit margins per cultivar, pest and disease infestations, weather and climatic information, rainfall, costs, economic conditions – and analysing it to be able to find patterns that will help us work more efficiently, sustainably and profitably on a farm.

Click here to view a video that explains Agri data.

Data do be Collected
  • Occurrence of pest and disease infestations.
  • Weather and climatic information – year on year.
  • Rainfall and Soil sample data.
  • Costs of agricultural inputs.
  • Yield data.
  • Prevailing economic conditions in the sector, country and internationally.
  • Production costs per crop.
  • Soil and fertilisation costs and applications.
  • Pest and weed control application programs and statistics.
  • Non-target species data.
  • Crop quality margins.
  • Agronomic data.
  • Profit margins per cultivar / per crop / per block / per orchard / per Hectare.
  • Agricultural photographic data.
The Reasons Why We Collect Agricultural Data

It is always useful to have detailed records and data. This will help us to ensure that we make optimum decisions in order to maximise profits, production and quality, whilst keeping risks and problems to a minimum.