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Performance Agreements

Completion requirements

This is an agreement by both parties that they agreed to a measurable delivery of service.

The Importance of a Performance Agreement

The Performance agreements make the worker’s job visible. It is a powerful tool for transparency. It is a systematic way of making the best use of resources. It defines what the basic purpose of a certain job is and in which direction effort should be directed.

The Performance agreement contains the ongoing standards by which to judge the work on a farm and the end results. It is a management tool for performance appraisal. (Measuring how well work has been done). The performance agreement may also provide the framework for effective delegation.

Because it establishes acceptable levels of performance, the performance agreement serves as a continuing reference point that will help to identify and analyse strengths and weaknesses (development areas in the farm worker’s performance) in current performance and to formulate short-range development plans.

Performance agreements contain three key elements: Results, ways of achieving the result and how the result will be measured.

Personnel Evaluation By The Supervisor

Definition: Personnel evaluation: To evaluate personnel is to analyse, interpret and determine the worth or quality of work completed, and the results achieved. This evaluation is made according to the job description and the performance agreement.

In order for personnel evaluations to be effective, prior agreement on the job description and performance agreement is crucial. E.g. If a packer has agreed to pack 50 crates per day, the evaluation of performance becomes simpler as the packer would be in the position to self–evaluate.

Within a farming workplace, peer evaluation can be effectively applied to determine work performance.

It must be re-emphasized that is essential that the worker can evaluate his or her own performance according to a setlist of criteria, which is in the job description. This also means that the employer can evaluate the employee. This allows for either party at any time to identify the need for capacity building to be able to perform at the set or higher levels.

The job description forms the basis for all other situations that arise on the farm - the job description will be a positive tool for both management and worker if used properly.

From the personnel evaluation, it is also possible to determine the development needs of the employee.

In the farming environment, it is important to transform inputs into outputs. Employees must have the knowledge and skills to do this effectively. If they do not have the required knowledge and skills, they have to be trained.