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Protecting Disinfectant users Against Poisoning

Completion requirements

Exposure Prevention
  • Avoid exposure to all disinfectants. Never allow any disinfectants to come in contact with unprotected skin.
  • Always wear protective clothing such as coats, gowns, aprons, gloves, and eyewear or face shields.
  • Prevent inhalation of vapours when working in chemical fume hoods or unventilated areas.
  • Ensure that all visitors also wear eye protection and other appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE).
  • Access to the chemical storage facilities must be restricted so that only authorised personnel may enter.
  • Signs identifying hazardous chemicals must be introduced where ever required.
  • Never eat, drink, smoke, handle contact lenses, apply cosmetics, or handle foodstuffs while working with disinfectants.
  • Never measure off a disinfectant by sucking on a siphon pipe.
  • Always wear a respirator while using disinfectants (formulated product or diluted compound).
  • Ensure you wear specialised gloves and protective clothing if you work with acids.
  • Limit the stock of disinfectants that poses highly hazardous to the minimum quantities required.
  • Keep flammable disinfectants in a flammable storage cabinet.
  • Never leave disinfectants on the floor where you are working.
  • Keep a disinfectant inventory
  • Outdated and obsolete disinfectants must be disposed of following a disinfectant waste disposal program
  • Ensure that you know how to handle spill control kits
  • Clean spills promptly and decontaminate the areas.
  • Always place disinfectant wastes inappropriate and properly labelled containers for disposal.

All disinfectants must be considered as potentially poisonous and handled accordingly. The minimum requirements for safe handling are usually stipulated on the disinfectant’s label.

In the case of most disinfectants it is sufficient to follow a few basic rules as summarized below:

  • Always wear rubber gloves when pouring or measuring a concentrate. Ensure that it is done in such a manner that any fumes or dust will drift away from the applicator (ventilation).
  • Immediately wash off any spillage on the body with soap and plenty of water.
  • Wear an overall (or other old clothing) that will cover most of the body.
  • Wash clothes regularly, especially when applying a disinfectant over an extended period of time. Wear a fresh set every day.
  • Always keep out of the spray drift or dust cloud during application.
  • Never smoke, eat or drink during application. Wash your hands and face before doing so.
  • Take a bath after completing the application and change into clean clothes. Never continue with another job while still wearing clothes contaminated by a disinfectant.

In the case of highly poisonous disinfectants, additional precautionary steps must take be taken. Special protective clothing, rubber gloves and boots, headgear, goggles and a mask or respirator must be worn. The eyes and respiratory tract must be adequately protected.

It is a good measure to wear a respirator during the use of any disinfectant. Ensure that the respirator is fitted with a suitable cartridge.