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Step 4: Review of the Policy by Key Parties

Completion requirements

It is good practice to ask a representative group of managers and employees to review the policy. For some policies, you may also want to involve stakeholders.

Manager Review

Ask managers:

  • Do you have the skills and resources to be able to implement and monitor the policy?
  • What is your understanding of different parties’ responsibilities as outlined in the policy?
  • Are the content and wording unbiased?
  • What training or information would you require to be able to carry out your responsibilities as outlined in the policy? What about your staff?
  • What issues or concerns could the implementation of this policy potentially raise among employees and stakeholders?
Employee Review
  • What is your understanding of your responsibilities and the organization’s expectations as outlined in the policy?
  • Are the content and wording unbiased?
  • What training or information would you require to be able to carry out your responsibilities as outlined in the policy?
  • What issues or concerns could the implementation of this policy potentially raise among employees and stakeholders?
Legal Review

This step may not apply to all policies. Complex policies, such as discipline and grievance policies, and policies required by legislation should be reviewed by a labour law expert. Ask them to check the policy:

  • Complies with employment standards and other legislation.
  • Is consistent with the terms of any collective agreement.