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Job Factors that Motivates

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Apart from personal and working environmental factors, there are also factors relating to the specific job that may impact an employee’s motivation to perform.

Recognition for Work Well Done

Workers like to receive recognition for work well done. When one’s good work is rewarded, one feels that it was worth it, and one is motivated to improve even further.

Although the manager cannot increase a person’s wage if he does good work, he (the employee) can be rewarded in the following ways:

  • Praise him for work well done.
  • It costs nothing to say thank you.
  • Use a person’s good work as an example to others.
  • Remember the good work a person has delivered when merit reviews are done and also when promotions are discussed.
Opportunity for Development

Everybody has a need for progress and development, to learn more and new things and to improve his position in society. Opportunities in this regard can be created in the job and if these possibilities exist, one is willing to perform better.

The manager must do the following:

  • Ensure that a person is well trained for his job.
  • Create opportunities for further training and personal progress.
  • Develop employees so that they are ready for promotional posts.
Interest and Importance of Work

It is true that some jobs that have to be done are boring in nature. When a person has been in a position for a very long time, his work can eventually become very boring. Even the most boring work is necessary, and the manager will have to do something to attach importance to the work.

As a manager you can do the following:

  • Explain to an employee what role he plays in the organisation.
  • Let him understand the contribution he makes in the general rendering of services and why it is important.
  • Let the person’s contribution seem important to him.
  • Give the person the opportunity to expand his post.
  • Give him the opportunity to learn new things, for example by rotating posts and/ or tasks.
  • Delegate more responsible work to him.
  • Do a new division of work – this can also make a contribution.
Responsibility and Progress

If a person realizes that he has a responsible job and that the organisation depends on him, he will develop pride in his work and also be/become motivated to perform better. The manager can do the following:

Gradually give the worker more responsible work;

  • Question him and listen to his suggestions and ideas in relation to the work.
  • Let him deputise in a higher post when the opportunity presents itself.
  • Let him participate in decision-making that affects him.
  • Make him feel that he is important and is achieving “something”.
  • Create the opportunity to discuss his work progress with him.
  • Keep the worker informed in relation to the work and the results that are achieved.

Click here to view an explanation on how to keep your team motivated.