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Activity Ratios

Completion requirements

These ratios measure the speed (in terms of days or number of times per year) that current assets and liabilities are converted into cash. Activity ratios are, therefore, also a measure of a firm's liquidity.

There are two good reasons for selling stock as quickly as possible:

  • There are costs involved in keeping stock on hand e.g. storage costs, insurance costs and the cost of the funds tied up in the capital.
  • The only way to get the gross profit connected to stock is to sell it.

The speed at which stock is sold is measured by the stock turnover ratio.

Stock turnover ratio = cost of goods sold ÷ stock

= R38 000 000 ÷ R12 000 000

= 3.17 times per year

This means that Jimco managed to sell the average amount of stock 3.17 times per year. Industry average 2.9 times.

It is customary to express stock turnover in days. This is done by dividing 365 by the stock turnover ratio just calculated.

Stock turnover in days = 365 ÷ 3.17

= Therefore, it takes 115 days, on average, to sell Jimco’s stock.

Cross-sectional or time-series analysis is needed to judge this figure. Stock turnovers vary widely over different industries e.g. greengrocers vs. jewellers.

Similarly, to stock, the quicker debtors are collected, the better for the company.

Debtor’s collection ratio

= credit sales ÷ debtors

= R51 000 000 ÷ R10 000 000

= 5.1 times

This means that Jimco, on average, collects its outstanding short-term debt 5,1 times per year.

It is more customary to express this ratio in days per year.

Debtor’s collection period in days

= 365 ÷ 5.1

= 71.57 days

Jimco takes, on average, 71.57 days to collect its outstanding short-term debt (debtors). Cross-sectional or time-series analysis is needed to judge this figure. If Jimco extended credit terms of 30 days to its customers, a collection period of 71.57 days would be the reason for concern.

The speed with which the company pays its creditors is measured by the following ratio. The object here is to pay slower rather than quicker but to take care not to jeopardise the relationship with the suppliers.

Creditors payment ratio:

= credit purchases ÷ creditors

= R38 000 000 ÷ R3 000 000

= 12.67 times

Once again, it is more customary to express this ratio in days:

Creditors’ payment period:

= 365 ÷ 12.67

= 28.81 days

Jimco takes, on average, 28.81 days to pay its creditors. Cross-sectional or time-series analysis is needed to judge this figure. If Jimco received credit terms of 30 days from its suppliers, a payment period of 28.81 days may indicate that they have no difficulty in meeting creditor payments on time.

Click here to view a video that explains Ratio Analysis and Inventory Stock Turnover.

Click here to view a video that explains the 8 Financial Ratios Receivables and Payables Days.