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Money Value Vs Value In Real Terms

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The main reason for calculating national income is to provide an indication of the actual quantity (or volume) of goods and services produced during a particular year’ and compare them to previous years.

Look at the table below:


Total output Yo-Yo’s (Rand)

Index of prices

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

100 000

120 000

150 000




Between year 1 and year 2 the money value of the total production of yo-yo’s increased by 20% from R100 000 to R120 000. The price of yo-yos also rose by 20% over the same period, so the value of the total output in year 2 in terms of year 1 prices is:

R120 000 x 100/120 = R 100 000

This calculation enables us to remove the effect of inflation in the numbers. This calculation shows us that no increase in production took place between years 1 and 2. In year 3 the money value of the total production of yo-yos rose by another 25% (to R150 000), while prices increased by 10% (132-120/120 x 100). The value of the output in year 3 in terms of year 1 prices is:

R150 000 x 100/132 = R113 636

Although the monetary value of total yo-yo production rose by 50% (nominal terms) between years 3 and 1, the actual volume of production increased by only 13.63%(real terms).