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Walk-in Customers

Completion requirements

Never ignore anyone who walks across the company floor. Consider each person a potential customer. Even if you are busy, at least acknowledge the customer’s presence. Let the customer know you are there to help and are interested in them.

If you are free to assist the customer, approach them and introduce yourself. Offer a firm, confident handshake. Present yourself as open, friendly and wanting to help. However, do not bulldoze the customer in your effort to assist. Give customers breathing room; do not invade their personal space.

Offer the customer assistance, but avoid dead-end questions such as “May I help you?” or “Can I help you find anything?” The customer will most likely respond “No, thank you”, or “Just looking” and walk away. You must engage the customer in conversation. Observe the customer pick up some clues about an icebreaker that might work. Try to connect with the customer.

Show interest in satisfying the customer’s needs or desires. Observe the customer. What type of product are they looking for? Does he seem to be lingering over one item? Make a positive remark regarding the product. Tune in to the customer, identify the need and then help fill it.

Be available, but not annoying. If a customer responds to your contact by saying, “No thank you,” back off. Aggressive sales tactics can scare a customer away. However, do not disappear from the sales floor. That customer may not want your help right then and there but may need it in a moment.

Complete the questionnaire that follows to test your knowledge on the best way to approach a customer.