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Closing Techniques

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Too many salespeople regard the close as a separate and distinct part of the sales call. “I have discussed benefits and features, answered some objections, handled price and now it is time to close.”

Chronologically, of course, the close does come at the end. However, you must close all along. Close in the natural outgrowth of the sales presentation. If the rest of the sales call has been a success, closing simply means working out terms and signing the order.

What about the salesperson who says “I always have trouble closing. Everything is fine until it’s time to close the sale.” Chances are, there is no basis for the sale, “Everything’s fine…” may merely be a way of saying, “I stated my case and the prospect listened. At least she never told me to pack up and go.”

  • Everything you do and say should consider the customer’s point of view.
  • Never stop at the first no.
  • Learn to recognise buying signals.
  • Before you close, attempt a trial close.
  • After asking for the order – be silent.
  • Set high goals for yourself and develop a personal commitment to reach your goals.
  • Develop and maintain a positive, confident and enthusiastic attitude toward yourself, your product, your prospects and you are close.

Before we discuss specific techniques on how to ask for the order or close the sale, remember that you will increase your sales closing by following 10 simple keys to success.

A successful close result from a series of actions that you have followed before asking for the order. Closing is not one giant step.

Should you not make the sale, always remember to act as a professional salesperson and be courteous and appreciative of the opportunity to present your product to the prospect. This allows the door to be open another time. Always remember to leave the door open!

Often, salespeople believe that there is some mystical art to closing a sale. If they say the right words appropriately, the prospect will buy. They concentrate on developing tricky closing techniques and are often pushy with a prospect in hopes of pressuring them into purchasing. Certainly, salespeople need to learn alternative closing techniques. However, what is most needed is a thorough understanding of the ensure process and of the critical role that closing plays in that process.

A memorised presentation and a hurriedly presented product will not be as successful as the skilful use of the 10 keys to a successful close. A lot of hard work, planning and skilful execution of your plan occurs before you ask for the order. The point is that if salespeople understand how each of the 10 applies to them and their customers and if they perform each successfully, they earn the right to close.

Many times the close occurs automatically because it has become the easiest part of the sales prospect. Often, the prospect will close for the salesperson, saying, “That sounds great! I would like to buy that.” All the salesperson has to do is finalise the details and write up the order.

To successfully close more sales, you must determine your procrastination’s situation, understand the prospect’s attitude toward your presentation and be prepared to select instantly a closing technique from several techniques based on your prospect.

For example, suppose you profiled the prospect as having a big ego, so you planned to use the compliment closing technique. You find the prospect is eager to buy, so you switch to using your standing-room-only closing technique. By changing to a closing technique that first the situation, you can speed the sale and keep your customer satisfied

Successful salespeople adopt a planned presentation to any prospect or situation that may arise. Some salespeople have up to 10 closing techniques, each designed for a specific situation.

Click here to download a handout that explains the different closing techniques.

Click here to view a video that explains closing techniques.