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Prepare Multiple Closes

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By keeping several different closes ready in any situation, you are in a better position to close more sales. Also, the use of a multiple-close sequence, combined with methods to overcome objections, enhances your chance of making a sale.

For example, you could begin with a summary close. Assuming the buyer says no, you could rephrase the objections and then use an alternative close. If again the buyer says no and would not give a reason, you could use the five-question sequence method for overcoming objections, repeating it two or three times.

Jane Martin, who works for an electrical wholesaler uses both methods to overcome objections and closing techniques. First, she uses the summary-of-benefits close and then waits for a response. Martin does not rush.

She realises it is a big decision and is prepared to handle resistance and ask for the order several times. The buyer is sending out green signals, so Martin does not stop, she continues to respond to the buyer.

The buyer finally gives the real reason for not buying when he says “No. My supervisor will not let me buy anything.” By professionally handling John’s objections and politely continuing to close, Jane is in a position to talk with the real decision-maker – John’s boss.

Since different closing techniques work best for certain situations, salespeople often identify the common objections they encounter and develop specific closing approaches designed to overcome these objections.

Assume, for example, that a buyer has a predetermined belief that a competitor’s product is needed. The salesperson could use the T-account approach to show how a product’s benefits are greater than a competitor’s product. In developing your sales presentation, review your customer profile and develop your main closing technique and several alternatives. By being prepared for each sales call, you experience increased confidence and enthusiasm, which results in a more positive selling attitude. You can help the customer and reach your goals.