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    PoE Workbook

    PoE Formative and Summative Exercises
    • Laai die PoE werkboek af.
    • Druk of Stoor.
    • Voltooi jou PoE per getikte/handgeskrewe take.
    • Maak seker jy het al die take voltooi.
    • Kontak jou maatskappy se opleidingskoördineerder vir die reël van inhandiging en koerier na Peritum Agri.
    • Indien jy onseker is oor inhandiging, doen navraag by:
    • Download the PoE workbook.
    • Print or Save.
    • Complete your PoE per typed/handwritten tasks.
    • Ensure you have completed all the tasks.
    • Contact your company’s training coordinator to arrange for collection and courier to Peritum Agri.
    • If you require more information regarding submitting, please contact:

    PoE Completion Instructions

    The below information is important to complete your accredit course successfully.

    Click here to view an explanation of what an accredited course is.

    Click here to view an explanation of how to approach and plan to complete the course successfully.

    Click here to view an explanation of how to complete an activity.

    Click here to access the PoE workbook.

    • View Make a submission
    • View Make a submission