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Mating Behaviour

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When female animals are in standing heat male animals that are introduced to them will often exhibit phlement behaviour. This is the curling up of their top lips and sniffing at the female. Cows and goats show clear signs of oestrus. Signs to look for in cows, goats and pigs include:

  • The animal became restless.
  • The animals seem to lose their appetite.
  • The animal bellows.
  • She seeks male company.
  • If kept among other females the other cows may mount the cow in oestrus.
  • The vulva will appear red and swollen.
  • When she nears standing heat, a thick slimy excretion will hang from the vulva. This is called the bull string.
  • Sows will be more restless and noisier when in oestrus.
  • You will have no difficulty chasing a sow on heat because she will stand still and make faint noises.
  • The vulva of a sow will also appear red, slimy and swollen.

Animals like horses, cows and ewes will urinate frequently and if a male is nearby the male will sniff the urine on the ground and he will also sniff at the genitals of the female.

The mating behaviours of different animal species are shown in the diagram below.

Click here to view a video that explains the symptoms of cows in heat.