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Reporting of any Eating and Drinking Deviations

Completion requirements

By monitoring the animals during each feeding time, you will get to know their eating and drinking habits. Animals in a fattening unit quickly adopt a routine and will usually storm to the troughs at feeding time.

By monitoring the animals, you will quickly see which animals do not follow their usual pattern. An animal that stands away from the other and who does not apply to the feed immediately is usually sick. These animals usually tend to have stiff limbs and cough occasionally. A running stomach (Diarree) may also cause the animal to react differently than usual.

The early detection of sick animals is very important and these animals should be taken away from the rest and be hospitalised in a separate pen on green feed if possible. If no pasture is available, the animals should be fed a diet which is rich in crude fibre and lower in concentrates. The animals must also be treated immediately with the correct medicine according to the illness.

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Feed Management Plan