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Reach Agreement

Completion requirements

Reach agreement with the individual/team on interview agenda, process, venue and timing.

To ensure buy-in to the process, agree with the individual/team on the agenda, the process to be followed and the venue and timing of the meeting.

You could potentially arrange an informal meeting to discuss and agree the above mentioned logistical matters. For example:

Agenda: Put together an agenda that will provide opportunity for both parties to take part in the process on an equal basis. Also ensure that equal emphasis is placed on both performance and development. Allow staff to put forward suggestions for items to be included.

Process: Briefly go through the performance management process and purpose to ensure understanding and ensure that everybody is comfortable with the process. Allow for questions and clarification of uncertainties. 

Venue: The venues should be a confidential, non-threatening and neutral place in which both parties can interact on an equal footing. A round table with comfortable meeting chairs is ideal. The line manager’s office is a definite no-no. Ensure that the venue will be interruption free. There should not be a telephone in the venue. You can also put a note on the door to ensure that people do not interrupt.

Timing:  Agree on a time that would suite both parties. Set aside an uninterrupted hour for this meeting. Early morning, when everybody is fresh, is better than late afternoon after a long and challenging day. It is also less stressful to have the review over and done with as soon as possible. Do not arrange more than 2-3 performance reviews per day. Performance reviews are emotionally draining, and you need to give every staff member your full attention.