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Review Actual Performance

Completion requirements

Review actual performance against agreed upon objectives, goals and standards.

Throughout the performance cycle, employees have been managing their own performance, from setting and monitoring performance and development objectives, to regularly reviewing progress with you. Consequently, review discussions should hold no surprises. This session should simply summarise past discussions, while the major focus is on continued development and future success.

It is important that the atmosphere in performance review meetings is positive and that both parties treat each other as equals. Make the other party feel at ease.

Remember that they are entering this meeting with feelings of uneasiness, fear, trepidation and even hostility.

The manager/supervisor’s role in this meeting is to ensure that the organisation’s performance requirements will be achieved through the actions of the individual staff members they manage. This means the outputs identified as the business plan, and team/department plan, will be achieved through the aggregated individual performance of staff.

The formal performance review has three purposes:

  • To review the performance of the staff member.
  • To review the performance of the manager in supporting the staff member (upward feedback).
  • To evaluate the progress on a learning and development plan for the staff member.

Click here to learn more about practical guidelines for conducting a performance review.

Click here to download the printable explanation for the practical guidelines for conducting a performance review.