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3. Requirements of the OHS Act and Construction Regulations

Completion requirements

Working on heights is traditionally labelled or classified as a high-risk activity. Incident records include numerous accounts of workers killed in falls from ladders. Serious head injuries and broken bones are frequent outcomes of ladder mishaps. Many electrocution deaths are caused by ladders that accidentally make contact with electrical sources like high power lines.

What is meant by ‘‘working on heights’’? How high is a height? From what height should a ladder or scaffolds be used? What are the requirements set for ladders? Let’s turn our attention to ‘‘General Safety Regulation 6’’ of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act 85 of 1993). This regulation deals with ‘‘work in elevated positions’’ anything off ground should be considered as a height or elevated position.

According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the employer will provide a competent person for doing the work. According to the construction regulation, every work site must have a fall protection plan that will cover training for working at heights, equipment for working at heights and rescue procedures for working at heights.

Safe working at heights systems consists of:

  • A fall protection plan
  • A fall arrest system for all working at heights
  • A rope access system for all working at heights
  • Equipment that is certified and inspected
  • Safe anchor points and safe anchor lines
  • Training provided to prove competence for working at heights
  • Rescue equipment
  • Rescue plans

When we look at construction work we will find that ‘‘Construction Regulation 4(b)’’ stipulates that no person may work in an elevated position, unless such work is performed safely as if working from a scaffold or ladder. It is clear from the above-mentioned regulation that a ladder must be used for this purpose. This prescription applies from the office environment to more hazardous workplaces like construction sites. Ladders and scaffolds are basically used when you can't reach the work above you safely from the ground or from a solid structure. Please note that these devices are meant as temporary work platforms.

Click here to watch a video about fall prevention guard rails and hole covers.