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5. Information Supplied by a Task Analysis and Items to Capture

Completion requirements
Information Supplied by a Task Analysis

The Task Analysis sequences and describes measurable behaviours involved in the performance of a task. It also provides a detailed analysis of each task in terms of frequency, difficulty and importance. The analysis normally begins by observing and interviewing an exemplary performer (a person who is presently an expert performer) performing the task or by discussing the problem with other experts as discussed in the Needs Assessment.

Items to Capture

The following must be captured during this step of the Analysis Phase:

  • Conditions:  Tools or equipment needed and the environment the task is performed in.
  • Performance Measure:  How well must it be performed? Note that this sub-step is discussed in more detail in the next step, Build Performance Measures.
  • Frequency:  How often is the task performed (hourly, daily, weekly, etc.)?
  • Difficulty:  Use a standard scale, such as from one to five.
  • Importance:  What place of importance is this task as compared to the performer's other tasks?
  • Steps:  Logical steps for performing the task.