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5. Observing the Expert Analysis and Verification

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Observing the expert analysis

This method uses an observer to record an expert performing a task. An observer is a person who aspires to be an expert in a similar job. The trainer's role is to set the analysis in motion by briefing the observer and the expert regarding the intended outcome of the observation. This method works best when three different aspiring observers observe three similar experts. After the observations, the observers become a task force that meets with the training analysis and functions as discussion facilitators.


This technique allows training program products to be determined based on work at other facilities on the same or similar tasks. This process can save significant effort and cost. Communication with, or benchmarking visits to the facilities will enable each facility to take advantage of existing experience and materials. The use of this technique requires the help of SMEs and a trained facilitator. These experts use various lists and documents to decide which tasks apply and to identify the tasks that require modification to reflect job requirements.

The verification technique consists of the following steps:

  • Gather relevant training materials and task information from local and external sources.
  • Comparing this information to the facility-specific needs.
  • Modifying the information as needed.
  • Verifying the accuracy of the information by subject matter experts.