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Types of Interviews

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Every employer has a preferred style of obtaining the information they need for their hiring decision. These are some basic types of interview styles you may encounter. Some employers may choose to utilize a combination of different styles, but as long as you've prepared well for your interview, you'll be able to adapt to the situation they present.

Structured Interview

A structured interview is typically formal and organised and may include several interviewers, commonly referred to as a panel interview. An interviewer who has a more structured style will usually begin with what is known as an “icebreaker” question. The icebreaker is used to relax you before the more serious questions are asked. A discussion about the weather might be used or perhaps a question about the traffic on your way to the office.

Next, the interviewer may talk for a few minutes about the company and the position. During this time, the interviewer may describe the day-to-day work responsibilities and the general company philosophy. He or she may then ask you a series of questions regarding your past educational, co-curricular, and work experiences.

Finally, the interviewer may ask if you have questions for him or her. You should always have several questions prepared. This type of interview is structured and formal.

Unstructured Interview

The unstructured interview is what the name implies. The only structure to the interview is the one that you provide. Basically, the interviewer is interested in hearing from you, so you may be asked a variety of different open-ended questions.

You will find an unstructured interview to be more conversational and less formal in tone than a structured interview. You may be asked questions about your hobbies, what you do on the weekends, or other casual questions designed to put you at ease. Many students prefer this laid-back style of interviewing, but you must be cautious. Sometimes employers intentionally adopt this casual demeanour so that you feel comfortable enough to let down your guard and potentially reveal something that you normally would not. If you find yourself in an unstructured interview, be friendly but maintain your professionalism. Remember that you are there to showcase your best assets and to convince the employer that you are the most qualified candidate for the job. Casual conversation is acceptable, and it can set a positive tone for the interview but be sure to bring the conversation around to your skills and qualifications.

Stress Interview

This style is used primarily by interviewers who are hiring for positions where there is a high level of daily stress in the work environment (i.e., sales, stockbroker, etc.).

The same questions that are asked during a structured or unstructured interview may be asked for a stress interview However, there may be a difference in the behaviour or demeanour of the interviewer. The interviewer during a stress interview may appear distracted, contrary, or indifferent to you. The idea behind this type of interview is to assess your reaction to the pressure of indifference, rejection, and overall stress. To be successful in the stress interview, it is recommended that you focus on the question that is asked and not the manner in which it is asked.

Another hallmark of a stress interview is the “strange question". For instance, some interviewers like to ask questions such as, “How many ping pong balls can fit in a 757 jet?” To answer a question like this, break it down into smaller, more manageable components Verbally convey your decision-making process. The interviewer will be less focused on whether or not you came to the “right” answer and more focused on your ability to problem-solve and think logically.

Sometimes in a stress interview, the interviewer will put candidates in an uncomfortable situation For instance, candidates may be given a test that takes two hours to complete, and are told to complete it in thirty minutes Remember to stay calm throughout a stress interview, because that is what the employer is looking for — a candidate who has the ability to remain cool, calm and collected.

Behavioural Interview

Behavioural interviewing is a widely used method of job interviewing. This approach is based on the belief that past performance is the best predictor of future behaviour. Therefore, behavioural interview questions are designed to probe your previous experiences in order to determine how you might behave in similar situations in the future. In this type of interview, you will not be asked hypothetical questions about how you would handle a situation if confronted with it in the future. Instead you will be asked how you did handle a specific situation when you encountered it in the past. Keep in mind that employers are not interested in what you should have done, or what you will do next time... they want to know what you actually did. Behavioural interview questions generally start with any one of the following phrases:

  • Tell me about a time when you...
  • Describe a circumstance when you were faced with a problem related to...
  • Tell me how you approached a situation where...
  • Share with me an instance in which you demonstrated...

This type of question requires you to tell stories from your past. These stories will be evaluated for evidence of your intellectual competence, leadership, teamwork, personal skills, adjustment and flexibility, motivation, communication skills, administrative skills, and technical abilities.

To prepare for a behavioural interview, you must first identify the skills and strengths that the employer is seeking. Next, reflect on your past experiences (educational, employment, extra-curricular, personal) to identify situations in which you clearly demonstrated the identified skills. During the interview, you must be able to recount these circumstances articulately and, in a manner, which showcases your strengths. A thorough answer should describe the Situation, the Tasks with which you were charged, the Action you took, and the Result of your action.

Problem Solving Or Case Interview

Employers utilize this style of questioning to test a candidate's analytical ability and communication skills. In a problem-solving or case interview, you will be presented with a real or simulated problem to consider and solve. You are not necessarily expected to arrive at the "correct answer". What the interviewer is most concerned with is your thought process, so be sure to "think out loud" when responding to this type of question. An effective answer is one which demonstrates your ability to break a problem down into manageable pieces and to think clearly under pressure.

Panel Interview

Employers often like to gather the opinions of several members of their staff prior to deciding which candidate to hire. To accomplish this, panel interviews are often used where one candidate may be interviewed by a few people at once In a panel interview, take note of each interviewer’s name, and refer to them by their names.

When giving your answers, focus on the person who asked you the question, but make eye contact with the other members in the group from time to time Panel interviews can vary in style and tone, but generally they will be more formal and include behavioural based questions.