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Maslow’s Hierarchy Questionnaire

Completion requirements

Read the following five statements and decide which of them apply to you.  There are no right or wrong answers.

A)  I am successful in life and/or work, and I’m recognised by my peers for being so. I’m satisfied with the responsibility and role that I have in life and/or work, my status and reputation, and my level of self-esteem.

B)  I am part of and loved by my family. I have good relationships with my friends and colleagues - they accept me for who I am.

C)  My aim is self-knowledge and enlightenment. The most important thing to me is realising my ultimate personal potential. I seek and welcome ‘peak’ experiences.

D)  Aside from dieting and personal choice, I never starve through lack of food, nor lack of money to buy food. Aside from the usual trauma of moving to a new house, I have no worry at all about having somewhere to live - I have ‘a roof over my head.

E)  I generally feel safe and secure; I have a job, home, etc. and protected from harm. My life generally has routine and structure - long periods of uncontrollable chaos are rare or non-existent.