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Interacting With Co-Workers

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Good teamwork makes for a more productive workplace. To promote teamwork, you must get along with your fellow workers, treating them with respect and politeness. The following points can help you develop proper behaviour towards co-workers.

Interaction with your Fellow Workers Require Sensitivity

Listen carefully to what your fellow workers have to say. Also pay attention to their body language and facial expressions, which can often tell you more about them than they offer verbally. If someone has a frown on his face, for instance, you can tell he is unhappy or angry about something. You should greet him and then ask if he has a problem you might be able to help him with.

You Should Always Treat Other Workers Politely

When they arrive at work, wish them a “Good morning” (or afternoon). Show that you are concerned about them by asking how they are doing, but do not pry too deeply into their personal lives. If they talk to you, look at them and listen. Maintaining eye contact is important because it makes them feel you are sincere. Then, respond to their questions or comments with respect. Do not ignore them if they say something to you. If you have a question to ask a fellow employee, get his or her attention by saying, “Excuse me.” Do not forget to use “please” and “thank you” when asking for and receiving help.

State Your Ideas and Opinions Tactfully

Learn to state your ideas and opinions tactfully without offending anyone or getting into a fight. Address your co-workers politely and respect their opinions, even if they disagree with yours. Avoid arguments over politics and religion.

Listen Carefully to Critisism and Accept Any Criticism

Listen to critique or comments a fellow employee offers, especially if he or she is an experienced worker. The criticism of fellow workers can help you become a better worker.

Be Helpful To Your Fellow Workers

If they have a problem, see if you can help them solve it. If they ask for help, offer it to them freely. Similarly, do not hesitate to ask for and accept their help.

Do Not Get Involved in Personal In-Fighting at the Workplace

If two co-workers are having a fight, remain neutral. If one worker has a problem with the boss, listen attentively to his or her complaints but do not sympathise.

Leave Your Personal Problems at Home

Do not share them with co-workers. Similarly, do not encourage them to share their problems with you.

Keep Your Relationship with Co-Workers Strictly Work Related

Do not try to find love in the workplace. Dating a co-worker is only asking for trouble. The relationship will usually affect the workplace and your own performance.