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What Clients cannot Tolerate in Sales

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Clients buying from salespeople do not like salespeople demonstrating the following behaviour:

Lack Of Product Knowledge: Salespeople must know their product line, as well as the buyer’s line, or nothing productive can occur.

Time Wasting: Unannounced sales visits are a nuisance. When salespeople start droning about golf or grandchildren, more time is wasted.

Poor Planning: A routine sale call must be preceded by some homework – see if it’s necessary.

Pushiness: This includes prying to find out a competitor’s prices, an overwhelming attitude, and backdoor selling.

Lack Of Dependability: Failure to stand behind the product, keep communications clear and honour promises.

Unprofessional Conduct: Knocking competitors, drinking excessively at a business lunch, sloppy dress, and poor taste aren’t professional.

Unlimited Optimism: Honesty is preferred to the hallmark of the good news bearers who promise anything to get an order. Never promise more than you can deliver.

Click here to view a video that explains why people hate salespeople.

Click here to download and complete the good attitude for sales questionnaire.