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Activity: Good Attitude for Sales

Completion requirements

You may think you have a good attitude for sales, but if you do not have the confidence to meet customers and prospects you do not know, all is lost. This exercise can help you measure your self-confidence. Read each statement and then, on a separate sheet of paper, write the number you believe best fits you.

High 􀃆 5 􀃆 4 􀃆 3 􀃆 2 􀃆 1 Low

A. I can convert strangers into friends quickly and easily.

B. I can attract and hold the attention of others even when I do not know them.

C. I love new situations.

D. I am intrigued with the psychology of meeting and building a good relationship.

E. I would enjoy making a sales presentation to a group of executives.

F. When dressed for the occasion, I have great confidence in myself.

G. I do not mind using the telephone to make appointments with strangers.

H. Others do not intimidate me.

I. I enjoy solving problems.

J. Most of the time, I feel secure.

 How Did You Score?

Add up the numbers to get your score. If you scored more than 40, you are self-confident enough to consider selling as a profession. If you rated yourself between 24 and 40, you need more experience in dealing with people. A score of less than 25 indicates that you need to build your self-confidence, and another type of job probably would be better for you.