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The Flow of Money in An Agri-Business

Completion requirements

Sources of income generation:

Where does the money/capital go to in an agri-business?

An Agri-business or farm will need money to pay for:

  • Land
  • Buildings
  • Machines
  • Loans
  • Labourers
  • Materials
  • Diesel, Oil, Maintenance
  • Commission to market agents
  • Office Supplies
  • Water and Electricity

We normally define the things we buy as follows:


Operating costs

  • Assets are those things that you have to buy in order to produce, e.g. land, buildings, machines.
  • Assets are things you can re-sell.
  • Assets are usually expensive.
  • Assets are not bought regularly.

(Operating costs are those things that are bought regularly (e.g. monthly or quarterly) to produce a crop)

  • Materials.
  • Diesel, Oil, maintenance.
  • Commission to the market agents.
  • Office supplies.
  • Water and electricity.

The Flow Of Costs In An Agri-Business