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Losses If Feed Is Not Correctly Stored

Completion requirements

Quantity Losses

Quality Losses

Birds and rodents will eat the feed or, carry it away.

Loose roaming animals might eat the feed.

Human theft.

Fire could destroy feed that is not stored away.

Insects can turn grains into dust.

The wind blows loose meal away.

Birds, rodents and other animals eating freely will contaminate the feed with a danger of disease transmission to livestock.

If the feed gets wet, it will become mouldy and is then dangerous to feed to pregnant animals. It is likely that it will need to be discarded or used to make compost.

High temperatures can turn oily/high fat feeds rancid.

Open containers of molasses attract rodents that may fall into it and drown.

If feed storage is such that the identity of the feed/mix is lost, it means that the feed may have to be discarded if it contains potentially dangerous substances such as antibiotics or urea.

Always work on a FIFO (First in - first out) basis, so that feeds do not become too old.