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What Can be Done to Ensure Proper Storage of Feeds

Completion requirements


  • Ensure that feed storage area are waterproof.
  • If a feed is stored loose, ensure that area is protected from wind, rain and pests/loose roaming animals.
  • Store high-cost feeds/supplements that can easily be loaded, in an area that can be safely locked.
  • Small quantities of feed can be stored in plastic bins or drums.
  • Make sure that the fire control apparatus is available and working.
  • Stack bags/bales in such a manner that cats can get to the rodents, but that the rodents do not have "nice" hiding places.
  • Ensure an active rodent control program (use cats, dogs, baited traps, eco-friendly poison).
  • Always keep stock control sheets up to date.

Click here to view a video that explains the grass storage process.