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The Management Process

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A common functional description of management is the process or systematic way that a manager carries out the activities necessary to achieve organisational goals. This requires the manager to plan, organise, lead, and control activities, using all organisational resources within the context of his or her organisation’s environment (see Figure below). These functions involve the following activities:

Planning: Planning activities involve analysing the organisation’s current situation including the external environment, finding, and prioritising right organisational goals and determining the necessary actions needed to achieve these goals.

Organising: Organising activities include the identification and division of the work to be undertaken to carry out the organisational goals and the allocation and co-ordination of necessary material and human resources.

Leading: Leading activities are the ways in which managers direct and influence their subordinates to perform the tasks that are essential for achieving the organisational goals.

Controlling: Controlling activities involve monitoring and evaluating actual performance compared to set standard to ensure that the organisational goals are in fact being reached.

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