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Why Plans Fail?

Completion requirements

Plans can fail for several reasons, including:

Badly Set Objectives: Objectives which are unclear, unrealistic, or unchallenging will not be met, partially met, or poorly executed.

Poor Information: Basing one’s plans on poor information will result in bad planning and consequential failure.

Uncontrollable Circumstances: All the planning in the world cannot force cooperation from others.

Ineffective Communication: Having plans without telling those whom they affect are as bad as having no plans at all.

Drive: A manager may find that his employees need to be driven to reach certain planned goals. Managers need to ensure that their subordinates keep planning and may have to take corrective action in time.

If you had to look for the signs that little or poor planning is taking place, the kinds of things you might notice would include:

  • Objectives not achieved
  • Numerous crises
  • Poor work distribution – some people overworked and others idle
  • Lack of resources – people not being available when you need them
  • Tasks re-done