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Step 3: Create Alternatives

Completion requirements

In this step you create alternatives to fulfil your goals. At this point it is often helpful to think in terms of the following classifications:

  • Corrective alternatives that solve the problem;
  • Interim alternatives that do not remedy the problem, but do delay, and
  • Adaptive alternatives that allow us to live with the problems.

Corrective action is normally the best type of alternative for fixing specific problems, as it is usually the least expensive. For example, if the problem is a fire, I can take corrective action by putting the fire out with a fire extinguisher. Or, I might take interim action by doing something to restrict airflow to the fire. Or I could take adaptive action by deciding to let the fire burn out – and roast hot dogs! By being aware of all three of these classes of alternatives you can significantly increase the number of available approaches.

In developing creative alternatives, two things are helpful.  First, “brainstorm” a list of possibilities and later evaluate and combine them to create workable solutions.  Second, get help!  Talk to people whose opinions and judgment you trust.  Talk with people who are involved in the decision or play a role in carrying it out.  Since you wrote out your decision, you can show others both the decision statement and the alternatives you are considering and ask them for more ideas.