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Formal or Informal Coaching Discussion

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Coaching is a different approach to developing employees' potential. With coaching, you provide your staff the opportunity to grow and achieve best performance through consistent feedback, counselling, and mentoring. Rather than relying solely on a review schedule, you can support employees along the path to meeting their goals. Done in the right way, coaching is perceived as a roadmap for success and a benefit. Done incorrectly and employees may feel berated, unappreciated, even punished.

The GROW coaching model is a tried and tested coaching model to structure coaching sessions.

The power of the GROW coaching model is that it leads to a clearly defined result through four phases. The coaches are personally active in finding problems and generating ideas for solutions. The means that anything that comes out of the coaching session has a lot of chance to stick.

The GROW coaching model stands for learning through experience: reflection, insight, making choices and pursuing them.

G – Goal setting for the session as well as for the short and long term.
R – Reality checking to explore the current situation.
O – Options and alternative strategies, or course of actions.
W – What is to be done, when and by whom and the will to do it.

Click here to view a video on an explanation on the GROW model.