The voice is vital in communication.
This indicates the time, which passes between the end of someone’s statement and the beginning of the other one’s sentence.
Correct use:
Always allow the other person to finish talking.
Incorrect use:
Long pauses - Seen as passive, may be interpreted as surrendering or a sign of weakness.
Short pauses - Interruptions, seen as aggressive.
Appropriate loudness of voice must be maintained during assertive interactions.
Incorrect use:
A soft voice - Seen as passive; Can be ignored; Not taken seriously.
A loud voice - Seen as aggressive; Makes another person defensive; People avoid the speaker.
Affect is the feelings accompanying a verbal message.
Inappropriate use:
Passivity - Speaks in a monotonous voice; Absence of feeling.
Aggression - Speaker noticeably suppresses his feelings; Talking through clenched teeth.