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Assessment Method that fits the Purpose

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Choosing an Assessment Method that fits the Purpose of the Assessment

Before we can really choose the appropriate or correct method for assessment, we need to refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy in order to understand what each outcome requires of the learner.

Bloom's Taxonomy model is in three parts, or 'overlapping domains'. Again, Bloom used academic language, but the meanings are simple to understand:

Cognitive domain (intellectual capability, i.e. knowledge, or 'think')

Affective domain (feelings, emotions and behaviour, i.e. attitude, or 'feel')

Psychomotor domain (manual and physical skills, i.e. skills, or 'do')

Information to help you understand…

Cognitive Knowledge

Affective Attitude

Psychomotor Skills

1. Recall data

1. Receive (awareness)

1. Imitation (copy)

2. Understand

2. Respond (react)

2. Manipulation (follow instructions)

3. Apply (use)

3. Value (understand and act)

3. Develop Precision

4. Analyse (structure/elements)

4. Organise personal value system

4. Articulation (combine, integrate related skills)

5. Synthesize (create/build)

5. Internalise value system (adopt behaviour) 

5. Naturalisation (automate, become an expert)

6. Evaluate (assess, judge in relational terms)